You Can't Stop This!

Dec 10, 2023    Bishop Rick D Brackett

Satan couldn’t stop Jesus from being born but he has done everything that he can to stop Him after His birth. Herod the Great tried his best to stop this. He tried to stop this before it ever got started. Herod’s heart was black and hard and filled with hatred; he was a troubled king! He was only 25 years old when he was named as the governor of Galilee. It was a high position for such a young man. The Bible warns about pride becoming the downfall of those who are exalted too quickly.

Herod the Great was promoted to his throne by Antony and Octavius. The Jews absolutely hated him, but the Romans loved him. The Romans exalted Herod because they had hoped he could pacify the Jews, especially after he married into a leading Jewish family. The Roman Senate named him “King of the Jews.” It was a title the Jews hated because he was not a Jew by birth, and he was not a Jew by religion.

Herod the Great was a cold-blooded killer. He killed out of spite, and he killed to stay in power. Josephus, the Jewish historian called him “barbaric”.

Herod didn’t have any desire to worship Jesus. He pretended to be a worshiper because he wanted to know where He was so that might kill Him. But Herod couldn't stop this!